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A Seismic Interferometry Approach for Rapid Post-Event Damage Identification of Building Structures


This innovative research proposes the development of a fast damage identification approach for building structures using a method similar to seismic tomography. In this research proposal, the empirical impulse responses (green’s functions) of the building are estimated and compared with those analytically derived for an inhomogeneous half space representing the building structure. Through a stochastic identification process, the frequency dependent shear wave velocities along the building height are estimated. By comparing undamaged (base-line) and damaged shear wave velocities, the occurrence of damage is detected, approximately localized and quantified at the story level.


The proposed methods developed in this research will be validated using the data measured from mid and high rise building structures instrumented through the Community Seismic Network (CSN) program at Caltech. The funding for this research was provided through the Caltech Terrestrial Hazard Observation and Reporting (THOR) program. This research is mainly led by Professor Monica Kohler.


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