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Journal Papers (Published)

  1. N. Elhami-Khorasani, H. Ebrahimian, L. Buja, S. L. Cutter, B. Kosovic, N. Lareau, B. J. Meacham, E. Rowell, E. Taciroglu, M. P. Thompson, A. C. Watts, "Conceptualizing a Probabilistic Risk and Loss Assessment Framework for Wildfires," Natural Hazards, 2022,   

  2. A. L. DeCastro, T. W. Juliano, B. Kosović, H. Ebrahimian, J. K. Balch, "A Computationally Efficient Method for Updating Fuel Inputs for Wildfire Behavior Models Using Sentinel Imagery and Random Forest Classification," Remote Sensing, 14(6), 1447, 2022, 

  3. F. Ghahari, N. Malekghaini, H. Ebrahimian, E. Taciroglu, "Bridge Digital Twinning Using an Output-Only Bayesian Model Updating Method and Recorded Seismic Measurements," Sensors, 22(3), 2022,

  4. M-S. Nabiyan, H. Ebrahimian, B. Moaveni, C. Papadimitriou, "Adaptive Bayesian Inference Framework for Joint Model and Noise Identification," ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 148(3), 2022,

  5. R. Astroza, J.P. Conte, J.I. Restrepo, H. Ebrahimian, and T.C. Hutchinson, "Seismic Response Analysis and Modal Identification of a Full-Scale Five-Story Base-Isolated Building Tested on the NEES@UCSD Shake Table," Engineering Structures, 238, 2021, 112087.

  6. M-S. Nabiyan, F. Khoshnoudian, B. Moaveni, H. Ebrahimian, "Mechanics‐Based Model Updating for Identification and Virtual Sensing of an Offshore Wind Turbine Using Sparse Measurements," Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2020, e2647, DOI: 10.1002/stc.2647.

  7. M. Song, R. Astroza, H. Ebrahimian, B. Moaveni, C. Papadimitriou, "Adaptive Kalman Filters for Nonlinear Finite Element Model Updating," Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 143, 2020.

  8. S.F. Ghahari, F. Abazarsa, H. Ebrahimian, E. Taciroglu, "Output‐Only Model Updating of Adjacent Buildings from Sparse Seismic Response Records and Identification of their Common Excitation," Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2020, 27:e2597, DOI:10.1002/stc.2597.

  9. H. Ebrahimian, R. Astroza, J.P. Conte, and R.R. Bitmead, "An Information-theoretic Approach for Identifiability Assessment of Nonlinear Structural Finite Element Models," ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 145(7), 2019.

  10. R. Astroza, H. Ebrahimian, and J.P. Conte, "Performance Comparison of Kalman−Based Filters for Nonlinear Structural Finite Element Model Updating," Journal of Sound and Vibration, 438 (6), 2019, 520–542.

  11. H. Ebrahimian, M. Kohler, A. Massari, D. Asimaki, "Parametric Estimation of Dispersive Viscoelastic Layered Media with Application to Structural Health Monitoring," Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 105, 2018, 204–223, 10.1016/j.soildyn.2017.10.017.

  12. H. Ebrahimian, R. Astroza, J.P. Conte, and C. Papadimitriou, "Bayesian Optimal Estimation for Output-only Nonlinear System and Damage Identification of Civil Structures," Structural Control and Health Monitoring, DOI: 10.1002/stc.2128, 2018.

  13. H. Ebrahimian, R. Astroza, J.P. Conte, and T.C. Hutchinson, "Pre-test Nonlinear Finite Element Simulation of Five-story Reinforced Concrete Building Tested on the UCSD-NEES Shake Table," ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 144(3), 2018.

  14. R. Astroza, H. Ebrahimian, Y. Li, J.P. Conte, "Bayesian Nonlinear Structural FE Model and Seismic Input Identification for Damage Assessment of Civil Structures," Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 93(1), 2017, 661–687.

  15. H. Ebrahimian, R. Astroza, J.P. Conte, and R.A. de Callafon, "Nonlinear Finite Element Model Updating for Damage Identification of Civil Structures using Batch Bayesian Estimation," Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 10.1016/j.ymssp.2016.02.002, 2016.

  16. R. Astroza, H. Ebrahimian, J.P. Conte, J.I. Restrepo, and T.C. Hutchinson, "Influence of the Construction Process and Nonstructural Components on the Modal Properties of a Five-Story Building," Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 10.1002/eqe.2695, 2016.

  17. R. Astroza, H. Ebrahimian, J.P. Conte, J.I. Restrepo, and T.C. Hutchinson, "System Identification of a Full-Scale Five-Story Reinforced Concrete Building Tested on the NEES-UCSD Shake Table," Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 23(3), 2016, 535-559.

  18. H. Ebrahimian, R. Astroza, and J.P. Conte, "Extended Kalman Filter for Material Parameter Estimation in Nonlinear Structural Finite Element Models using Direct Differentiation Method," Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 44(10), 2015, 1495-1522.

  19. R. Astroza, H. Ebrahimian, and J.P. Conte, "Material Parameter Identification in Distributed Plasticity FE Models of Frame-type Structures using Nonlinear Stochastic Filtering," ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 141(5), 2014, 04014149.

  20. M.C. Chen, E. Pantoli, X. Wang, R. Astroza, H. Ebrahimian, T.C. Hutchinson, J.P. Conte, J.I. Restrepo,  C. Marin, K. Walsh, R. Bachman, M. Hoehler, R. Englekirk, and M. Faghihi, "Full-scale Structural and Nonstructural Building System Performance During Earthquakes: Part I – Specimen Description, Test Protocol and Structural Response," Earthquake Spectra, DOI: 10.1193/012414EQS016M, 2015.

  21.  E. Pantoli, M.C. Chen, X. Wang, R. Astroza, H. Ebrahimian, T.C. Hutchinson, J.P. Conte, J.I. Restrepo,  C. Marin, K. Walsh, R. Bachman, M. Hoehler, R. Englekirk, and M. Faghihi, "Full-scale Structural and Nonstructural Building System Performance during Earthquakes: Part II – NCS Damage States," Earthquake Spectra, DOI: 10.1193/012414EQS017M, 2015.

  22. E. Pantoli, M.C. Chen, T.C. Hutchinson, R. Astroza, J.P. Conte, H. Ebrahimian, J.I. Restrepo, and X. Wang, "Landmark Dataset from the Building Nonstructural Components and Systems (BNCS) Project," Earthquake Spectra, DOI: 10.1193/100614EQS150, 2015.


Journal Papers (In Review or Preparation)
  1. H. Ebrahimian, S.F. Ghahari, D. Asimaki, E. Taciroglu, "Estimation of Dynamic Soil Parameters Using a Nonlinear Finite Element Model Updating Approach: Application to the Millikan Library," Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, submitted in 2018 (in review).

Book Chapters
  1. R. Astroza, H. Ebrahimian, and J.P. Conte, "Batch and Recursive Bayesian Estimation Methods for Nonlinear Structural System Identification," Risk and Reliability Analysis: Theory and Applications (In Honor of Prof. Armen Der Kiureghian), Edited by: Paolo Gardoni.

Conference Papers 
  1. M. Song, R. Astroza, H. Ebrahimian, B. Moaveni, C. Papadimitriou, "Nonlinear Model Updating Using Recursive and Batch Bayesian Methods," Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 3: Proceedings of the 35th IMAC, 2020, 279-286.

  2. M. Song, H. Ebrahimian, B. Moaveni, "Augmented Sequential Bayesian Filtering for Parameter and Modeling Error Estimation of Linear Dynamic Systems," Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 3: Proceedings of the 35th IMAC, 2020, 163-165.

  3. M. D. Kohler, R. Guy, J. Bunn, A. Massari, R. Clayton, T. Heaton, K. M. Chandy, H. Ebrahimian, and C. Dorn, "Community Seismic Network and Localized Earthquake Situational Awareness," 11NCEE, Los Angeles, CA, 2018 (Peer Reviewed).

  4. M. Nabiyan, H. Ebrahimian, B. Moaveni, F. Khoshnoudian, "Structural Identification for Dynamic Strain Estimation in Wind Turbine Towers," IMAC XXXVI, Orlando, FL, 2018.

  5. E. Esmaeilzadeh Seylabi, H. Ebrahimian, W. Zhang, D. Asimaki, and E. Taciroglu, "Bayesian Estimation of Nonlinear Soil Model Parameters using Centrifuge Experimental Data," Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics V, Austin, TX, 2018 (Peer Reviewed).

  6. H. Ebrahimian, S. F. Ghahari, D. Asimaki, and E. Taciroglu, "A Nonlinear Model Inversion to Estimate Dynamic Soil Stiffness of Building Structures," Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics V, Austin, TX, 2018 (Peer Reviewed).

  7. H. Ebrahimian, M. Kohler, A. Massari, D. Asimaki, "Parametric Estimation of Wave Dispersion for System Identification of Building Structures," Experimental Vibration Analysis of Civil Structures, EVACES 2017, San Diego, CA, 2017 (Peer Reviewed).

  8. H. Ebrahimian, D. Asimaki, D. Kusanovic, and S. F. Ghahari, "Untangling the Dynamics of Soil-Structure Interaction using Nonlinear Finite Element Model Updating," SMIP17 Seminar Proceedings, Berkeley, CA, 2017.

  9. J.P. Conte, R. Astroza, and H. Ebrahimian, "Bayesian Methods for Nonlinear System Identification of Civil Structures," Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures (EVACES’15), Dübendorf, Switzerland, 2015.

  10. R. Astroza, H. Ebrahimian, and J.P. Conte, "Material Parameter Estimation in Distributed Plasticity FE Models using the Unscented Kalman Filter," Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP12), Vancouver, Canada, 2015.

  11. R. Astroza, H. Ebrahimian, and J.P. Conte, " Blind Identification of Nonlinear Civil Structures using Sparse Seismic Response Data," Proceedings of Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI 2015), Stanford, CA, 2015.

  12. H. Ebrahimian, R. Astroza, and J.P. Conte, "Output-only Identification of Civil Structures using Nonlinear Finite Element Model Updating," Proceedings of SPIE 9438, Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems, San Diego, CA, 2015.

  13. H. Ebrahimian, R. Astroza, and J.P. Conte, "Nonlinear Structural Finite Element Model Updating and Uncertainty Quantification," Proceedings of SPIE 9437, Structural Health Monitoring and Inspection of Advanced Materials, Aerospace, and Civil Infrastructure, San Diego, CA, 2015.

  14. R. Astroza, H. Ebrahimian, and J.P. Conte, "Stochastic Filtering for Damage Identification through Nonlinear Structural Finite Element Model Updating," Proceedings of SPIE 9435, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems, San Diego, CA, 2015.

  15. H. Ebrahimian, R. Astroza, and J.P. Conte, "Nonlinear Structural Finite Element Model Updating using Batch Bayesian Estimation," Dynamics of Civil Structures: Proceedings of the 33rd  IMAC, A Conference on Structural Dynamics, Orlando, FL, 2015.

  16. R. Astroza, H. Ebrahimian, and J.P. Conte, "Nonlinear Structural Finite Element Model Updating using Stochastic Filtering," Dynamics of Civil Structures: Proceedings of the 33rd  IMAC, A Conference on Structural Dynamics, Orlando, FL, 2015.

  17. H. Ebrahimian, R. Astroza, J.P. Conte, J.I. Restrepo, and T.C. Hutchinson, "Experimental Validation of Dynamic Nonlinear FE Model of Full-Scale Five-Story Reinforced Concrete Building," Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014, Porto, Portugal, 30 June - 2 July 2014.

  18. R. Astroza, H. Ebrahimian, J.P. Conte, J.I. Restrepo, and T.C. Hutchinson, "System Identification of a Full-Scale Five-Story Reinforced Concrete Building Tested on the NEES-UCSD Shake Table," Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014, Porto, Portugal, 30 June - 2 July 2014.

  19. R. Astroza, J.P. Conte, J.I. Restrepo, H. Ebrahimian, and T.C. Hutchinson, "System Identification of a 5-story RC Building During Construction," in Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures, (EVACES'13), Ouro Preto, Brazil, 2013.

  20. R. Astroza, J.P. Conte, J.I. Restrepo, H. Ebrahimian, and T.C. Hutchinson, "Modal Identification of a Full-scale 5-story Reinforced Concrete Building Tested on the NEES-UCSD Shake Table," in Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures, (EVACES'13), Ouro Preto, Brazil, 2013.

  21. R. Astroza, H. Ebrahimian, J.P. Conte, J.I. Restrepo, and T.C. Hutchinson, "Statistical Analysis of the Identified Modal Properties of a 5-story RC Building Specimen," in Safety, Reliability, Risk and Life-Cycle Performance of Structures and Infrastructures, ICOSSAR, New York, NY, 2013.

  22. H. Ebrahimian, R. Astroza, J.P. Conte, J.I. Restrepo, and T.C. Hutchinson, "Pre-test Nonlinear FE Modeling and Simulation of a Full-scale Five-story Reinforced Concrete Building," in Topics in Dynamics of Civil Structures: Proceedings of the 31st IMAC, A Conference on Structural Dynamics, Garden Grove, CA, 2013.

  23. R. Astroza, H. Ebrahimian, J.P. Conte, T.C. Hutchinson, and J.I. Restrepo, "Evolution of Dynamic Properties of a 5-story RC Building During Construction," in Topics in Dynamics of Civil Structures: Proceedings of the 31st IMAC, A Conference on Structural Dynamics, Garden Grove, CA, 2013.

  24. R. Astroza, H. Ebrahimian, J.P. Conte, J.I. Restrepo, and T.C. Hutchinson, "Modal Identification of 5-Story RC Building Tested on NEES-UCSD Shake Table," in Topics in Dynamics of Civil Structures: Proceedings of the 31st IMAC, A Conference on Structural Dynamics, Garden Grove, CA, 2013.

  25. X. Wang, H. Ebrahimian, R. Astroza, J.P. Conte, J.I. Restrepo, T.C. Hutchinson, "Shake Table Testing of a Full-scale Five-story Building: Pre-test Simulation of the Test Building and Development of an NCS Design Criteria," in ASCE Structures Congress 2013: Bridging Your Passion with Your Profession, Pittsburgh, PA, 2013.

  26. R. Astroza, J.P. Conte, J.I. Restrepo, H. Ebrahimian, and T.C. Hutchinson, "Shake Table Testing of a Full-scale Five-story Building: System Identification of the Five-story Test Structure," in ASCE Structures Congress 2013: Bridging Your Passion with Your Profession, Pittsburgh, PA, 2013.

  27. R. Astroza, H. Ebrahimian, J.P. Conte, J.I. Restrepo, and T.C. Hutchinson, "Dynamic Characteristics of a 5-story Reinforced Concrete Building Tested on the NEES-UCSD Shake Table," in 7th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology (ANCRiSST), Bangalore, India, 2012.

  28. H. Ebrahimian, M.R. Banan, and M.R. Banan, "Probabilistic Performance-Based Design of Buckling-Restrained Braced Frames (BRBF)," in 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (14WCEE), Beijing, China, 2008.

  29. H. Ebrahimian, M.R. Banan, and M.R. Banan, "Probabilistic-based Seismic Modeling of Buckling-Restrained Braced Frames (BRBF)," in 5th International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (SEE5), Tehran, Iran, 2007.

  30. H. Ebrahimian, M.R. Banan, and M.R. Banan, "Seismic Comparison of BRBF and CBF, Based on a  Probabilistic Performance-Based Approach," in 3rd National Conference on Civil Engineering (3ncce), Tabriz, Iran, 2007.



  1. H. Ebrahimian, R. Astroza, and J.P. Conte, "Nonlinear Structural Parameter Estimation and Uncertainty Quantification using Bayesian Inference Method," Department of Structural Engineering, University of California San Diego, Structural Systems Research Report SSRP–14/12, La Jolla, CA, 2014.

  2. H. Ebrahimian, R. Astroza, and J.P. Conte, "Nonlinear Finite Element Response Simulation of the BNCS Building," Department of Structural Engineering, University of California San Diego, Structural Systems Research Report SSRP–14/11, La Jolla, CA, 2014.

  3. H. Ebrahimian, R. Astroza, J.P. Conte, "Parametric Identification of Hysteretic Material Constitutive Laws in Nonlinear Finite Element Models using Extended Kalman Filter," Department of Structural Engineering, University of California San Diego, Structural Systems Research Report SSRP–14/06, La Jolla, CA, 2014.

  4. M. C. Chen, E. Pantoli, X. Wang, R. Astroza, H. Ebrahimian, S. Mintz, T.C. Hutchinson, J.P. Conte, J.I. Restrepo, B. Meacham, J. Kim, and H. Park, "BNCS Report #1: Full-Scale Structural and Nonstructural Building System Performance During Earthquakes and Post-Earthquake Fire - Specimen Design, Construction, and Test Protocol," Department of Structural Engineering, University of California San Diego, Structural Systems Research Report SSRP–13/09, La Jolla, CA, 2013.

  5. E. Pantoli, M. C. Chen, X. Wang, R. Astroza, H. Ebrahimian, S. Mintz, T.C. Hutchinson, J.P. Conte, J.I. Restrepo, B. Meacham, J. Kim, and H. Park, "BNCS Report #2: Full-Scale Structural and Nonstructural Building System Performance during Earthquakes and Post-Earthquake Fire - Test Results," Department of Structural Engineering, University of California San Diego, Structural Systems Research Project SSRP–13/10, La Jolla, CA, 2013.


  1. "Integration of Mechanics-Based Models with Data: Untangling the Dynamics of Soil-Structure Interaction in Building Structures" EMI 2018, Boston, MA, 2018.

  2. "Estimating Rayleigh Damping and Dynamic Soil Stiffness of Building Structures using Nonlinear Finite Element Model Updating" EMI 2017, San Diego, CA, 2018.

  3. "A Comparative Study of System Identification and State Estimation Methods for Dynamic Strain Estimation in Wind Turbines" IMAC XXXV, Orange County, CA, 2017.

  4. "Bayesian Inference Method for Blind Nonlinear System and Damage Identification of Civil Structures," IMAC XXXV, Orange County, CA, 2017.

  5. "System Identification of Building Structures Through Seismic Waveform Inversion," IMAC XXXV, Orange County, CA, 2017.

  6. "Identifiability Assessment of Nonlinear Structural System Identification Problems," EMI/PMC 2016, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, 2016.

  7. "Output-only identification of Civil Structures using Nonlinear Finite Element Model Updating," SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, San Diego, CA, 2015.

  8. "Nonlinear Structural Finite Element Model Updating and Uncertainty Quantification," SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, San Diego, CA, 2015.

  9. "Nonlinear Structural Finite Element Model Updating using Batch Bayesian Estimation," IMAC XXXIII, Orlando, FL, 2015.

  10. "A Nonlinear System Identification Case Study (Round Robin on Nonlinear System Identification)," IMAC XXXIII, Orlando, FL, 2015.

  11. "Nonlinear Finite Element Response Simulation of Full-scale Five-story Reinforced Concrete Building Tested on NEES-UCSD Shake Table," SEAOSC Young Members tours of the NEES @ UCSD shake table facility, San Diego, CA, 2014.

  12. "Pre-test Nonlinear FE Modeling and Simulation of a Full-scale Five-story Reinforced Concrete Building," in IMAC XXXI, Garden Grove, CA, 2013.

  13. "Nonlinear Finite Element Simulation of Full-scale Five-story Reinforced Concrete Shake Table Building Specimen Using DIANA," in Quake Summit, Boston, MA, 2012.

  14. "Full-scale Structural and Nonstructural Building System Performance During Earthquakes and Post-Earthquake Fire," in Student Researcher Symposium at Quake Summit, Boston, MA, 2012.

© 2014-2024 by Hamed Ebrahimian

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