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Professional Experience

Assistant Professor

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

University of Nevada, Reno

July 2019 - Present

I have accepted a tenure-track position to join the University of Nevada, Reno as an Assistant Professor.

Senior Engineer

SC Solutions Inc., Sunnyvale, CA

Nov. 2017 - May 2019

My role at SC Solutions was to research, develop, and implement technological solutions for infrastructure disaster simulation, monitoring, and risk mitigation. I was focused on bridging the gap between state-of-the-art research developments, real-world applications, and business aspects of technology development.

As part of our efforts, we have awarded a DOT-SBIR funding to develop Digital Twin technology for operational health monitoring of bridges using computer vision techniques. I have served as the Principal Investigator (PI) in the first phase of this project and successfully delivered a pilot validation study. I am excited to serve the future of this exciting technology development effort. 

Scientific Research Assistant

Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Pasadena, CA

Sept. 2017 - Nov. 2017

My position at Caltech changed to a Scientific Research Assistant since September 2017. I continued contributing to the execution of research projects and development of research proposals and grants at Caltech.  

Postdoctoral Scholar

Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Pasadena, CA

2015 - 2017

I have joined Caltech as a postdoctoral scholar from December 2015. As a postdoctoral research scholar at Caltech, I have been involved in a number of research projects. My goal was to expand my research experience and technical knowledge as well as my academic network and diversity. One of my main objectives in joining Caltech was to make myself familiar with state-of-the-art research pursued in the fields of seismology, geophysics, and especially in the subfields of source inversion, seismic tomography, and nonlinear soil-structure interaction. 

Co-Founder, President

Enigvo, LLC

2016 - 2017

Enigvo was a stealth-mode technology startup focused on developing a groundbreaking cyber-physical structural integrity monitoring technology for offshore platform structures. Enigvo was wrapped into my subsequent position at SC Solutions.

Graduate Student Researcher

Department of Structural Engineering, University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA

2011 - 2015

I began working as a graduate student researcher in my first quarter at UC San Diego. I became involved in a number of cutting-edge research projects in capacities ranging from primary graduate student researcher, collaborator, and team-member. Funding for projects I’ve worked on has been provided by the National Science Foundation and other private entities.    

Teaching Assistant / Reader

Department of Structural Engineering, University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA

2010 - 2015

I’ve served as teaching assistant and/or reader in a number of courses taught by my advisor. These include a graduate course, SE201B: Nonlinear Structural Analysis (Winter 2012), and an undergraduate course, SE125: Statistics, Probability, and Reliability (Fall 2010). Moreover, to help graduate students become familiar with OpenSees, I ran hands-on OpenSees tutorial sessions every year while at UC San Diego. 

Founding Principal 

Ebrahimian Structural Engineers, Shiraz, Iran 

​2008 - 2009

Following many years of study and work as a structural engineer and designer, I founded a structural consulting firm in 2008. Our business practice was exclusively focused on seismic design, assessment, and retrofit of multi-story residential complexes and buildings, commercial buildings, shopping malls, and multipurpose buildings throughout seismically active regions in southern Iran. Under my supervision, the engineering business thrived very quickly; we started with three part-time employees and within a year, we had eight full-time and five part-time employees. With this competitive and efficient team in place, the passion and teamwork of our staff resulted in superb, accurate, economic, and innovative engineering solution for our clients. Our firm was involved in or contributed to the structural design of more than forty projects, with more than 1,500,000 square feet building space in total.


I served as principal and engineer in-responsible-charge for the company before leaving the country to pursue my doctoral studies abroad. As the chief engineer, I was in charge of directing, managing, and supervising the daily activities of the engineering firm, including communicating with clients, coordinating with architects, contractors, and other consultant engineers, selecting the structural materials and systems, guiding the engineering design process, supervising the engineers and other staff, and reviewing and final-approving the design details, drawings, and design packages. 

Design Review Board Member

Technical and Civil Deputy of Shiraz Municipality, Shiraz, Iran

​2008 - 2009

In light of my academic and professional accomplishments, I was selected as a member of the structural design peer review board by the technical and civil deputy of Shiraz Municipality. This review process was implemented to ensure that all structural designs are accurate and meet the minimum technical and code-based requirements.

Academic Lecturer 

Azad University (IAU), Iran

​2007 - 2008

Following my passion for teaching and desire to stay connected and engaged in the academic sphere while I worked professionally, I served as a part-time lecturer during three consecutive semesters at IAU, a private university system serving 1.5 million students in over 100 branches across the country.

Structural Engineer 

Freelance Consultant, Shiraz, Iran

​2005 - 2008

Before getting my engineering license, I collaborated with many structural engineers and engineering firms as a freelance consultant, contributing to many important structural design and retrofit projects in Shiraz, Iran. This productive period formed the building block of my engineering career and resulted in valuable experience gain, establishing a professional network, and eventually, in gaining a reputation as a top-tier structural engineer and designer among the engineering community in my hometown city.  

Research Assistant 

Department of Civil Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

​2004 - 2006

As a part of my master’s program requirements, I started working at this time as an academic researcher. This was a non-paid position that eventually resulted in the development of my master’s thesis. 

Instructor / Teaching Assistant / Grader 

Department of Civil Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

​2002 - 2006

During my second year of undergraduate studies, I worked as a grader and teaching assistant in the department of civil engineering. “Statics,” “Strength of Material,” “Structural Analysis I,” and “Design of Steel Structures I and II” were among the courses for which I served in this capacity. During my master’s studies, I worked as a teaching assistant for two graduate level courses: “Advanced Engineering Mathematics” and “Finite Element Method.” 

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