Hamed Ebrahimian
Ph.D., P.E.
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Nevada, Reno (UNR)
News and Updates - Prior to UNR
10/3/2018: Our paper entitled "Information-theoretic Approach for Identifiability Assessment of Nonlinear Structural Finite Element Models" is accepted for publication in Journal of Engineering Mechanics. The pre-print version can be accessed from here.
10/3/2018: Our paper entitled "Performance comparison of Kalman−based filters for nonlinear structural finite element model updating" is published online and can be viewed from here.
7/2/2018: Our DOT-SBIR proposal entitled "Digital Twins for Bridge Management through the Integrating of Computer Vision and Finite Element Models" has been recommended for award. I will be serving as the PI on this project. I am very excited to work with my colleagues at SC Solutions and UCLA to push this project forward.
6/28/2018: We have received the 2016 EERI best paper award for the BNCS dataset paper. Here are some pictures:
7/2/2018: Our DOT-SBIR proposal entitled "Digital Twins for Bridge Management through the Integrating of Computer Vision and Finite Element Models" has been recommended for award. I will be serving as the PI on this project. I am very excited to work with my colleagues at SC Solutions and UCLA to push this project forward.
6/28/2018: We have received the 2016 EERI best paper award for the BNCS dataset paper. Here are some pictures:
11/13/2017: I have joined the SC Solutions Inc. as a Senior Engineer.
11/4/2017: Our paper entitled "Bayesian Optimal Estimation for Output-Only Nonlinear System and Damage Identification of Civil Structures" is accepted for publication in Journal of Structural Control and Health Monitoring. The draft manuscript is available for download from here.
10/26/2017: Our paper entitled "Parametric Identification of Dispersive Viscoelastic Layered Media with Application to Structural Health Monitoring" is accepted for publication in Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. The draft manuscript is available for download from here. The final version can be accessed from here.
9/1/2017: My position at Caltech has changed to a Scientific Research Assistant.
8/10/2017: Our paper entitled "Pre-test Nonlinear Finite Element Modeling and Response Simulation of Full-Scale Five-Story Reinforced Concrete Building Tested on NEES-UCSD Shake Table" is accepted for publication in ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. The draft manuscript is available for download from here.
7/12/2017: I have attended EVACES 2017 conference.
6/4/2017: I have attended EMI 2017 conference.
3/6/2017: Our first paper on output-only nonlinear FE model updating is published online and available here.
2/25/2017: We have contributed a chapter in a book entitled "Risk and Reliability Analysis: Theory and Applications" in honor of Professor Armen Der Kiureghian. The chapter can be accessed here.
2/20/2017: We have submitted a paper entitled "A Nonlinear Model Inversion Method for Joint System Parameter, Noise, and Input Identification of Civil Structures" to the X International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2017. Professor Joel Conte will be presenting this work in September 2017 in Rome.
2/13/2017: I have presented the work entitled "Integration of Physics-Based Models with Data: Bayesian Inference for Estimation, Monitoring, Diagnosis, and Prognosis" at the Caltech Solid Mechanics Symposium.
1/31/2017: I had three presentations at IMAC XXXV conference in Orange County.
1/19/2017: We have submitted "Parametric Identification of Dispersive Viscoelastic Layered Media with Application to Structural Health Monitoring" for possible publication in Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering.
1/13/2017: We have submitted a proposal to NSF-ENH program.
11/15/2016: We have submitted a proposal to the Southern California Earthquake Center on "Joint Tomography and Source Inversion."
10/1/2016: I will be co-organizing a minisymposium entitled "Structural modeling and identification for performance and resilience assessment of civil structures" at EMI 2017 to be held in San Diego, CA on June 4-7, 2017.
9/26/2016: We have submitted "Bayesian Optimal Estimation for Output-only Nonlinear System and Damage Identification of Civil Structures" for possible publication in Journal of Structural Control and Health Monitoring.
5/25/2016: My research proposal with Professor Asimaki has been approved to receive funding from the California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (CSMIP).
5/22/2016: I have attended the EMI/PMC 2016 conference at Vanderbilt University, Nashville.
5/6/2016: We have submitted "Pre-test Nonlinear Finite Element Modeling and Response Simulation of Full-Scale
Five-Story Reinforced Concrete Building Tested on NEES-UCSD Shake Table" for possible publication in ASCE Structural Engineering Journal. -
3/16/2016: Our paper entitled "Nonlinear Finite Element Model Updating for Damage Identification of Civil Structures using Batch Bayesian Estimation" is now published online at: sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0888327016000297.
3/9/2016: I have attended the ASDSO West Region conference in Sacramento.
2/3/2016: Our paper entitled "Nonlinear Finite Element Model Updating for Damage Identification of Civil Structures using Batch Bayesian Estimation" has been accepted for publication in the Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing Journal.
12/12/2015: My Ph.D. degree has been conferred.
11/18/2015: Our paper has been accepted for publication in the Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Journal.
9/21/2015: I defended my Ph.D. dissertation entitled “Nonlinear Finite Element Model Updating for Nonlinear System and Damage Identification of Civil Structures."
6/19/2015: Our paper has been accepted for publication in the Structural Control and Health Monitoring Journal.
5/28/2015: I became a California Licensed Professional Civil Engineer (P.E.).
11/10/2014: Our paper has been accepted for publication in the Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Journal.
7/3/2014: Our paper has been accepted for publication in the ASCE journal of Engineering Mechanics.
6/14/2014: I attended the UCSD 2014 Graduate Student Commencement.
4/10/2014: We have submitted a paper to Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Journal.
4/9/2014: I have passed the advancement to candidacy exam.
2/3/2014: I have received my M.Sc. diploma in Engineering Sciences (Mechanical Engineering).
1/23/2014: Two papers on the BNCS test have been submitted to the Earthquake Spectra Journal.